Ryfan is built upon a core set of values, which were developed in action by our founders, and have been documented as we've grown.
Build Community
We pursue our Passion by Building Community
What we build is not "Great" unless it creates value for the community.
This value is larger than the project itself, it:
Incorporates the legacy of our interactions in the communities in which we work and live.
Includes the way we engage with customers, consultants, other trades, and suppliers.
Encompasses how we teach and learn and grow as a team on-site, in the office, and between site and office.
Involves working to create more winners (more pie for everyone) instead of focusing only on winning (biggest piece of pie for us).
At Ryfan we embrace "abundant thinking" and reject a scarcity mentality, we avoid blame or fault finding and we work relentlessly toward solutions.
Earn Trust
Communities are formed through relationships, and relationships are built upon a foundation of trust.
We strive to earn, and be worthy of, the faith placed in us by those with whom we work and interact.
We do this by saying what we mean, meaning what we say, and doing what we say we are going to do.
Pursue Excellence
To Earn Trust, we must be realistic about our capabilities, and committed to always sharpening and expanding them.
We understand that excellence is not a fixed point but, rather, a path, a way of doing things.
We are steadfast in our pursuit of continuous improvement.
Be Fearless
We champion courage to seek out flaws in our methods and push for further enhancements in our performance.
We are fearless in our willingness to see ourselves objectively, and in our openness to constructive criticism.
Practice Discipline
We strive to convert experience into wisdom, in a disciplined way.
We acquire knowledge from others, and incorporate "best practice" into our work.
We share and use our own hard-won learning with the rest of our team.
In this way we grow, develop, and evolve the Ryfan Way.
Celebrate Success
We take the time to celebrate our moments of greatness, the instances of excellence, the acquisition of wisdom, the attainment of a bond of trust, and the warmth of community.
Celebration is the spark and the fuel that rekindles our drive to pursue our passion of Building Something Great.